Luminis GmbH
Reichartstrasse 8
D-82166 Gräfelfing
t +49 89 599 986 39
f +49 8143 992 66 63
m +49 171 428 45 62
1&1 Internet AG
AHK Japan
AHK Tunis
Allianz AG
Analytical Semantics AG
Bayer AG
BDI - Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V
Bertrandt Ingenieurbüro GmbH
Commerzbank AG
Credit Suisse Group AG
Daimler AG
Deutsche Bahn AG
Digital Charging Solutions GmbH
DZ Hypobank AG
Eckes-Granini GmbH
Egger Otoplastik + Labortechnik GmbH
GBK Beteiligungen AG
GEA Group AG
Georg Jensen, Denmark
Giesecke & Devrient GmbH
Grillo AG
Hannover Finanz GmbH
IBM Germany GmbH
Instone Real Estate Management GmbH
Jil Sander Deutschland YOOX NET-A-PORTER GROUP S.p.A. Milano
Kion Group AG
Kolle Rebbe GmbH
Linde AG
Lumas Whitewall Avenso GmbH
McCann Erickson Deutschland GmbH
McDonald's Deutschland Inc.
Media Saturn Holding GmbH
Montblanc International GmbH, Hamburg
MSO Digital GmbH & Co. KG
Mundipharma GmbH
Océ Printing Systems GmbH
Osram GmbH
Paragon Partners GmbH
Partners Group AG, Zug/Schweiz
Philipp Morris GmbH
Philips Patient Care
Richemont South America Carribean /U.S.A.
Siemens AG
Siemens Healthcare GmbH
Sixt AG
Swiss Live AG
Tchibo GmbH
The Kraft Heinz Company Inc.
Turck GmbH
Unsiversal McCann GmbH
VNG - Verbundnetz Gas AG​
Volkswagen AG
Webasto GmbH
Wer liefert was? GmbH, Hamburg
Wirtschaftsvereinigung Metalle e.V.
1&1 Internet AG
AHK Japan
AHK Tunis
Allianz AG
Analytical Semantics AG
Bayer AG
BDI - Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V
Bertrandt Ingenieurbüro GmbH
Commerzbank AG
Credit Suisse Group AG
Daimler AG
Deutsche Bahn AG
Digital Charging Solutions GmbH
DZ Hypobank AG
Eckes-Granini GmbH
Egger Otoplastik + Labortechnik GmbH
GBK Beteiligungen AG
GEA Group AG
Georg Jensen, Denmark
Giesecke & Devrient GmbH
Grillo AG
Hannover Finanz GmbH
IBM Germany GmbH
Instone Real Estate Management GmbH
Jil Sander Deutschland YOOX NET-A-PORTER GROUP S.p.A. Milano
Kion Group AG
Kolle Rebbe GmbH
Linde AG
Lumas Whitewall Avenso GmbH
McCann Erickson Deutschland GmbH
McDonald's Deutschland Inc.
Media Saturn Holding GmbH
Montblanc International GmbH, Hamburg
MSO Digital GmbH & Co. KG
Mundipharma GmbH
Océ Printing Systems GmbH
Osram GmbH
Paragon Partners GmbH
Partners Group AG, Zug/Schweiz
Philipp Morris GmbH
Philips Patient Care
Richemont South America Carribean /U.S.A.
Siemens AG
Siemens Healthcare GmbH
Sixt AG
Swiss Live AG
Tchibo GmbH
The Kraft Heinz Company Inc.
Turck GmbH
Unsiversal McCann GmbH
VNG - Verbundnetz Gas AG​
Volkswagen AG
Webasto GmbH
Wer liefert was? GmbH, Hamburg
Wirtschaftsvereinigung Metalle e.V.

Frank Behnke, geboren in Tokio und bis zu seinem 11. Lebensjahr mehrsprachig in Asien aufgewachsen, bildet nach einer langjährigen Tätigkeit als gelernter Bankkaufmann und klassisch ausgebildeter Bühnen- und Filmschauspieler, die perfekte Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst und Wirtschaft.
Diese Weltoffenheit, dieses Wissen um kulturelle Unterschiede und seine Mehrsprachigkeit baut er heute als weltweit tätiger Trainer und Moderator permanent aus.
Als Sparringspartner von Vorständen und Führungskräften in Dax-notierten Unternehmen und dem gehobenen Mittelstand sucht er die Herausforderung, immer wieder neue Facetten des Ausdrucks in den Kommunikationsfähigkeiten seiner Kunden zu entdecken. Ihre persönliche Wirkung, wie Körpersprache und Ausdruck der Stimme, als auch Ihre Inhalte mittels einer zielorientierten Storyline bringt er effizient in Einklang. Sei es bei Präsentationen, Medienauftritten, mit Mitarbeitern oder Geschäftspartnern. Seine Mission ist, Sie erfolgreich in den Märkten und bei Ihren Vorgesetzten zu positionieren - zielgerichtet und auf den Punkt.
Jeder ist in der Lage seinen persönlichen Weg des Ausdrucks zu finden. Davon ist Frank Behnke überzeugt. Das Handwerk authentischer Kommunikation und souveräner Moderation in Meetings ist erlernbar. Darin Fortschritte zu machen, führt zu einer unglaublichen Souveränität - auf den privaten wie den beruflichen Bühnen des Lebens.
Der erfahrene Moderator und Mediensprecher gibt Podiumsdiskussionen und Fachtagungen die nötige Pointierung und Steuerung.
Ob nun als English Native Speaker, im frankophilen oder im deutschsprachigen Raum.

Frank Behnke, geboren in Tokio und bis zu seinem 11. Lebensjahr mehrsprachig in Asien aufgewachsen, bildet nach einer langjährigen Tätigkeit als gelernter Bankkaufmann und klassisch ausgebildeter Bühnen- und Filmschauspieler, die perfekte Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst und Wirtschaft.
Diese Weltoffenheit, dieses Wissen um kulturelle Unterschiede und seine Mehrsprachigkeit baut er heute als weltweit tätiger Trainer und Moderator permanent aus.
Als Sparringspartner von Vorständen und Führungskräften in Dax-notierten Unternehmen und dem gehobenen Mittelstand sucht er die Herausforderung, immer wieder neue Facetten des Ausdrucks in den Kommunikationsfähigkeiten seiner Kunden zu entdecken. Ihre persönliche Wirkung, wie Körpersprache und Ausdruck der Stimme, als auch Ihre Inhalte mittels einer zielorientierten Storyline bringt er effizient in Einklang. Sei es bei Präsentationen, Medienauftritten, mit Mitarbeitern oder Geschäftspartnern. Seine Mission ist, Sie erfolgreich in den Märkten und bei Ihren Vorgesetzten zu positionieren - zielgerichtet und auf den Punkt.
Jeder ist in der Lage seinen persönlichen Weg des Ausdrucks zu finden. Davon ist Frank Behnke überzeugt. Das Handwerk authentischer Kommunikation und souveräner Moderation in Meetings ist erlernbar. Darin Fortschritte zu machen, führt zu einer unglaublichen Souveränität - auf den privaten wie den beruflichen Bühnen des Lebens.
Der erfahrene Moderator und Mediensprecher gibt Podiumsdiskussionen und Fachtagungen die nötige Pointierung und Steuerung.
Ob nun als English Native Speaker, im frankophilen oder im deutschsprachigen Raum.

Frank Behnke, geboren in Tokio und bis zu seinem 11. Lebensjahr mehrsprachig in Asien aufgewachsen, bildet nach einer langjährigen Tätigkeit als gelernter Bankkaufmann und klassisch ausgebildeter Bühnen- und Filmschauspieler, die perfekte Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst und Wirtschaft.
Diese Weltoffenheit, dieses Wissen um kulturelle Unterschiede und seine Mehrsprachigkeit baut er heute als weltweit tätiger Trainer und Moderator permanent aus.
Als Sparringspartner von Vorständen und Führungskräften in Dax-notierten Unternehmen und dem gehobenen Mittelstand sucht er die Herausforderung, immer wieder neue Facetten des Ausdrucks in den Kommunikationsfähigkeiten seiner Kunden zu entdecken. Ihre persönliche Wirkung, wie Körpersprache und Ausdruck der Stimme, als auch Ihre Inhalte mittels einer zielorientierten Storyline bringt er effizient in Einklang. Sei es bei Präsentationen, Medienauftritten, mit Mitarbeitern oder Geschäftspartnern. Seine Mission ist, Sie erfolgreich in den Märkten und bei Ihren Vorgesetzten zu positionieren - zielgerichtet und auf den Punkt.
Jeder ist in der Lage seinen persönlichen Weg des Ausdrucks zu finden. Davon ist Frank Behnke überzeugt. Das Handwerk authentischer Kommunikation und souveräner Moderation in Meetings ist erlernbar. Darin Fortschritte zu machen, führt zu einer unglaublichen Souveränität - auf den privaten wie den beruflichen Bühnen des Lebens.
Der erfahrene Moderator und Mediensprecher gibt Podiumsdiskussionen und Fachtagungen die nötige Pointierung und Steuerung.
Ob nun als English Native Speaker, im frankophilen oder im deutschsprachigen Raum.
General Manager,
NORD/LB New York
Frank's communication training was an amazing experience. With Frank's guidance and technique, you can improve you speaking capabilities.
I had prepared a speech for my team that was nothing but boring. Under Frank's tutelage, I was able to turn this into a motivating, encouraging and captivating talk. When I saw myself on camera, I was astonished that this person talking was really me.
Frank encouraged me to work on various techniques to improve my communication skills.
Siemens, s.r.o. Praha, Czech Republic
It was my first time. Stage. 500 people.
To my surprise, it was also the first time that, while still nervous and afraid, I actually focused mostly on THEM. What do I want them to leave with? How do I want them to feel? How do I make it and do this so I make that happen? I feel this thinking on it´s own gave me certain freedom. Allowed creativity and in result allowed me to make it a great experience for those 500 people!
I thank God for being blessed having opportunity to have met you. And to have a chance to learn, as much as I understand now this is only the beginning of the path of Public Speaking for me.
I struggle a little bit finding the right words. But I think what I really wanna say is thank you for changing my life for the better. For being the strength and wisdom that have opened door for me that I would have never opened myself. The feedback I´ve received from Siemens Management, and across those 5 days from more than 100 colleagues stopping by every day saying „I did a tremendous job“, that´s something you gave me Frank. Yet it still seems at moment almost as a dream.
I wish you all the best Frank. From the bottom of my heart.
Thank you again!
Siemens Energy Learning & Development
I have been working successfully with Frank Behnke for years. His trainings are exciting and varied, his training methods versatile and always oriented to the individual needs of the participants.
With him, the focus is on the individual. Due to the high proportion of exercises - always combined with constructive, appreciative feedback - Frank Behnke's training courses have a lasting learning effect and offer real added value when transferred to everyday working life. And they are fun!
Among the many communication trainers I have met in the course of my professional life, Frank Behnke is for me one of the most outstanding.
I can recommend him with full conviction.
University Hospital of Nice, Department of Dermatology
Dear both,
I would like to thank you very much. Jennifer Bedran, Medical Detailing & Training Director Beiersdorf France, for giving me this opportunity to make this training; and Frank, for this great session. I learned a lot and it will be for sure very useful for my next talks!
Best regards,
Deputy Project Director, Egypt High Speed Project, Siemens Mobility
I went through an incredible one day training with Frank. He provided lots of insights, food for thought and super helpful tips that I can use in my day to day job. His passion and dedication to the topic is second to none. Highly recommended!
Manager Brand Identity
Many thanks for the good coaching, it gave me exactly the security I needed!
A clear recommendation from my side!
SVP Total Rewards
Bayer AG
Frank is a communication professional – there is no doubt about that. But he is also didactically very strong: Through his training, Frank improved my performance with simple "nudges" even in front of large groups. Situations that were uncomfortable for me are now less uncomfortable and sometimes even a little fun. I enjoyed learning from Frank and gladly accepted his feedback during the numerous practical exercises because he created a constructive and positive learning atmosphere. Conclusion: Great training, great guy, full recommendation!
Consumer Collecting Manager
Red Bull Norway AS
Hi Frank,
Thanks a lot for two unique and inspiring days.
This was a hands-on, super helpful and amazing experience. I already used several of the techniques we learned, from storytelling to progressive muscle relaxation (and more) and feel confident that my presentation and storytelling-skills will keep growing in a faster pace after our sessions. Now I know what to focus on to further develop my skills.
Again, thank you!
Marketing Specialist
Red Bull Norway
"I have never felt so confident and safe during a communication training. An interactive and proactive training with fun exercises that I learned a lot from!"
SIEMENS Finance Audit Latin America – CF A LAM
​México, D.F.
“Frank Behnke gifted the entire group a sweet taste of the art of feeling comfortable with the uncomfortable! He customized the dynamics - as ridiculous as those may seem - to fit each participant’s style, personality and own challenges. Frank pushed every one of us to our own limits making us realize ourselves what we are capable of doing. He also made sure we understood the reason and use behind each dynamic for us to apply in our daily personal and professional lives. I have not ever before learned so much and enjoyed a communication training as I enjoyed this one. I 100% recommend to enroll in his trainings.”
Siemens Finance Audit Shanghai
“The best communication training I had ever! Unlike the other trainings, it doesn’t ask me to act as someone else, but to be myself, just try to find the deeper part of myself. And it’s a lot of fun!
It’s a course I would highly recommended, not only for communication training, but also for team buildings. After the training, the whole team in the course are integrated.”
Xavier Vallee
Chief Marketing Officer
"Thanks to your coaching, advices, rehearsals, rehearsals and more rehearsals, I totally nailed the presentation yesterday. The audience was captivated and I received many congratulations from colleagues, CEO and board members. I really enjoyed it! I couldn’t have done it without your fantastic coaching.
Many many thanks!"
Managing Consultant Digital Strategy; IBM Watson Advocate; Design Thinking Enthusiast; Scrum Master
Greater Zurich area, Switzerland
“Thank you for the excellent and inspiring training last week. I’m already working to integrate what I learned into my daily work. You also taught me a lot about myself. I’d love to stay in touch.”
Compliance Officer Siemens AG
“To quote Fontane, “That is a broad subject.” Frank Behnke has his training participants deliver their presentations with and then without their PowerPoint slides. He then let us use our PowerPoints again, and the results were amazing. Presentation developers like iPointing certainly make your slides look good, but even the best-looking slides aren’t much help if you don’t know what you want to say or how to say it. What really helped me: - Structuring your content (I highly recommend the pyramid principle from Minto) - Invest in format templates and tools like Think-Cell and Efficient Elements - Make a point of listening to really good speakers – they’re able to give you a visual without PowerPoint slides. Oh yes, and this: PowerPoint has never saved a poorly prepared speech.”
PMP®, Senior Managing Consultant, SAP Project Management and Enterprise Information Management, IBM Germany Serviceline Global Business Services
“Thank you for the two days of training on Mallorca. Your Top-Talent Training "Boost your Appearance” offers incredible benefits for everyone, for both professional and personal situations. Your approach – opening new perspectives, generating excitement, and drawing participants out of our shells – is phenomenal. I highly recommend your course, thanks to your charming, witty personality and wealth of experience. The impact and applicability to everyday situations far exceeded my expectations. I hope we’ll have more opportunities to train with you. Thank you.”
Head of Global Functional Lead Processing Beiersdorf AG
"The pleasure and benefits were all mine, I struggle to find a course in my past that had a greater positive impact; I will relay this to other potential beneficiaries. It is good to be connected and to know where to get professional support in case of key events and speeches." Best regards, Jasper
Siemens China
„Thank you. That is an amazing training, not only the training method, but also the result. At first I am embarrassed by the video, but at the end of the day, I feel comfortable and love the video. It is valuable for everyone.”
Siemens China
„Good practice for presentation skills and architecture. That would be better if we focus on concrete topic, such as Expertise in Industrial Network. Thanks.”
Beiersdorf Thailand
“My vote is 1,000% to offer this next T&S conference. The instructor methods were good, his style of teaching very good and the way he interacted with us exceptional. He has a skill to provide feedback in a positive manner which is commendable.”
Beiersdorf MENA Dubai UAE
“Many thanks for the Presence and Performance Workshop. I found it refreshing and motivating – there were many elements at our daily work that I recognized that can be made better. The workshop was in an enthusiastic way and I can recommend it strongly to my colleagues.”
Siemens Germany
“I found that this workshop was very useful, since you not only learn to plan the presentation correctly and plan the story to send the messages we want our public to receive, but also to get and maintain the public’s attention as well as to learn to present an act to the public to enhance your performance on stage. I would recommend it for all of our PSD colleagues, as well as sales specialist and Marketing Promotion to help us have a better “Story” on our marketing material and videos. Thank you very much for inviting me to the Workshop!”
Siemens Italy
“It was really a useful training because of trainer expertise and his skills to train us with a coaching approach completely worthwhile. I’ve done similar trainings in the past, but they were more oriented on explanation of basic rules for public speaking. This was the first training where I could really practice and improve the efficiency of performance on stage (where and how to move, use tone of voice, manage breaks and keep audience engagement).”
Siemens India
“This workshops brings to us an all-new way of Presentation; right from structuring your presentation to the delivery. This approach helps you further enhance your connect with the audience and deliver a powerful presentation.”