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New worlds of communication: Workshops

Luminis Frank Behnke ·


with Frank Behnke

In our professional and personal lives, personality and charisma directly impact our communication style and how we’re perceived by others.


The goal of this seminar is to help you project a self-assured presence when delivering presentations, holding discussions with employees, and meeting with customers. We take a holistic approach and integrate techniques from the world of media to help you deliver clear and comprehensible content with an authenticity that engages your audience and leaves a lasting impression.


Our intensive practical methods and video analysis help you unlock your potential and learn to use it effectively to enhance your presence

Luminis Frank Behnke ·


Leadership workshop with Frank Behnke and Andrea Kindt or Christina Teuthorn-Mohr

This two-day workshop is geared primarily toward larger groups and offers opportunities to benefit from the perspectives of two trainers at once. You’ll work on developing your own distinctive presence. Alone or in groups, you’ll learn how to help your customers increase their understanding of your topic/product. You’ll inspire confidence, foster dialogue, and build lasting relationships.


We’ll hone your ability to put thoughts into words and craft a compelling story. You’ll learn how to develop a strategic definition of future client relationships and create highlights. You’ll distill your core messages so they support your business goals.

Excellence in speech and presentation is what we’re all about. We incorporate training modules from the canon of international acting schools and the media as well as our own years of business experience to give you and your team everything you need to make a powerful impression.

Luminis Frank Behnke ·

PRESS AND MEDIA TRAINING basic und advanced 

with Frank Behnke

Learn how to conduct yourself appropriately when dealing with the media.


The Press and Media Training seminar aims to imbue you with the self-confidence you need for speaking with journalists and appearing in the media.

We’ll focus on dealing confidently with journalists, including creative discussion techniques and thinking on your feet – so you can respond to unfair criticism or outright confrontation. We’ll also help you understand the media’s perspective and needs so you can maintain a respectful dialogue and earn likeability points.
Mock interviews give you practical experience in placing your key messages and creating your personal “brand” in perfect balance. To round out your training, we’ll show you how to deal with cameras and microphones like a pro so you can focus on your delivery.


Good to know

Why should I take communication training, and what is its added value?

Questions and answers


Luminis Frank Behnke ·


Sales Performance with Frank Behnke

Sell products and services with intelligence and gain customers.
Making sales should give you a sense of success – and it should be fun!


That’s why our Sales Performance training focuses on developing your own personal sales mission. And just

as important is identifying the many and diverse opportunities for fostering customer loyalty and acquiring

new customers.


We lay the foundations for your sales success by enhancing your presence and helping you develop the courage to guide your negotiations with customers.


Looking at things from the customer’s perspective and getting to know and understand their needs will help you find more joy in sales and ultimately increase your current and prospective customers’ connection to your products and services.


The core of this two-day training is practical application, developed by professionals for professionals. You’ll get intensive practice in mock negotiations that will prepare you for the real thing and position your company a step ahead of the competition.

Luminis Frank Behnke ·


with Frank Behnke

It takes just five seconds to make a first impression.
I’ll support and coach you through your career transitions and when it’s time to decide on a new direction.  
You’ll learn how to make a lasting, positive impression on a potential new employer or start off on the right foot in a new role.

You’ll also get hands-on experience and learn from my own successes in international companies with the following coaching modules:

  • Interview coaching 

  • Presentation/charisma coaching  

  • Career direction coaching

  • Assessment center training  

My mission is to help you be as confident as you can be in your job interview and truly shine, not only due to your technical qualifications but also with your personality. 

We’ll practice useful conversation techniques, and you’ll develop and use the potential that’s within you. Video support is also available.

Would you like to overcome mental blocks and counterproductive beliefs before starting this training?

You have the opportunity to work on these in a psychological session with Erika Behnke. 

Luminis Frank Behnke ·


Conflict supervision – management

Leadership workshop with Frank Behnke and Andrea Kindt or Christina Teuthorn-Mohr

Identify, assess, and actively overcome the causes of conflict

In our day-to-day work, when we’re managing employees or negotiating with clients, and in our personal lives, we face myriad opportunities for conflict – often unconscious ones. We might feel misunderstood or find that it’s become increasingly difficult to communicate with someone. We ultimately feel like we’re running in circles, unable to resolve the conflict. 

Our ability to handle these situations well depends largely on our capacity for self-reflection – and on our ability to change our own behaviors in the interest of resolving the conflict. We need to learn to identify cycles of conflict, understand the patterns driving each person involved, recognize our own sticking points, and take the initiative to overcome them. 

Once we do, we can actively resolve conflicts and increase our ability to handle even the most difficult situations

with aplomb. 


Our approach    

Conflict supervision is a systemic approach that involves understanding and reflecting on the situation as a whole, considering multiple perspectives, and engaging in constructive problem-solving and direct application.

We work on specific real-world situations. We’ll put you in a mediated conflict situation with actor and coach Frank Behnke. You’ll experience the process of examining a conflict from multiple perspectives. We’ll guide you through the process of shifting perspectives, with visual support if you like. We’ll provide a safe space for you to work through topics that are relevant to you.

Our focus will be on learning with and from one another and on role-plays in which you’ll eventually find yourself arguing the other side’s points. We offer a playful, practical approach to working through differences and finding workable solutions. And most importantly, you get to directly apply what you’ve learned. 

Luminis Frank Behnke ·


with Frank Behnke

This one-day workshop is an opportunity to step out of your daily roles and routines and dive into the

world of acting.


We’ll work on body language, voice, and prompts to help you find the most authentic expression of yourself.
Most importantly, you’ll overcome your inhibitions and have fun!​


Learn the exciting craft of acting: conscious control of your posture, gestures, facial expressions, and voice that you can employ when you need to make a professional impression.  

I’ll guide you through the performance of real theatrical roles. You’ll learn how to “take your stage.” You’ll develop strategies and skills for managing nerves and creating a mood, just like professional actors do. You’ll learn how to influence and engage your audience. As a result, you’ll build a powerful toolkit for communicating effectively at work and in your personal life and boost your charisma. 

Let’s talk! That’s the best way to find out how I can help you and your company. Call me at 

+49 171 428 45 62 or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you.

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